jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Russia in Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution was in 1917, just after the WW1, during this time Russia was battling or hosting 2 different wars. They lost a lot of territory and were engaging several economic problems since; most of the money went on weapons and arms to defend. And due to the incredible loses and destruction Russia suffered they had to reconstruct most of it and had to invest a lot of money during that time. Also they had various inequality problems. During this war, Prince Lvov established the provisional government since he was the one in charge. This gave an opportunity for the advancement of the communism. 


Czar and the Royal Family 

Russia in WWI

Russia's involvement and objective in the World War 1, was just the same as all other countries that were in it, which was to fight and win the war. Russia was allied to the "Allies", however the allies didn't have enough guns, equipment, food or army and it was led poorly.
In the great mother war, Russia was on Serbia’s side to fight against Austria-Hungary. In 1914, Nicholas II was in a tight spot.  Russia could not stand another defeat after the humiliation of the Japanese War and the crisis they were going trough. As Russia began to mobilize for war against Austria they were unaware of their actions as a trigger for the German Von Schliefen Plan.  Russia had no plans for war with Germany; they were mobilizing against Austria and Austria alone.  

Germany declared war on Russia on August 1, 1914. Russia was thrown into a war it was not prepared for.

The czar Nicholas II took charge of the armed forces. The Russians were very mad at their leader, so they revolved against him and  by killing Rasputin, who they thought was manipulating him,  in December 1916.
People started to march around making complains, and even alter trying to make them stop. The czar had no power over them anymore so he was asked to step down, and a provisional government stared by Alexander Kerensky.
Kerensky wrongly decided to remain in the war which was a terrible idea, and made angrier the peasants and workers. The soviets were a great threat to Russian government given that they were groups of workers and soldiers looping for a better country.
Lenin created a group called "Bolsheviks". The Bolsheviks were a group of soviets that wanted to destroy the capitalist system by using violence. He believed his ideas would help the working class, peasants, etc., which made up most of Russia. Lenin promised, to his followers, to give them "Peace, Land and Bread".
It took Lenin very long time to get to what he promised. The Communist ended up winning the war between the Red and White army. 

Kerensky on his duty


Rasputin, the Monk Who Brought Down a Dynasty

In the years before the Russian Revolution, Rasputin became the confidant of the Czar. His growing influence separated the Tsar from his people. Rasputin was an unusual man who appears to have had genuine healing talents. When they heard of Rasputin the Czar's wife called him in to heal the apparently dying Alexis. After Rasputin laid his hands on the boy, he began to improve and finally recovered. 

His influence with the royal family remained strong after that. In fact his growing influence, and the envy this caused, led to his death. Poisoned, shot, clubbed, drowned - the man who would not die. The poor decisions that were made by the Tsar during the time of Rasputin's influence and the hatred that his presence inspired in the people probably contributed significantly to the fall of the Tsar in the last days of the dynasty. People lost confidence in their ruler at a time of grave crisis. Russia was fighting in World War I and losing badly. There were severe shortages of food and supplies at home. As public confidence lapsed, the revolutionary ideas fermenting in Russia for 50 years began to come to the surface. Finally, shortly after Rasputin's death, the Russian Revolution swept away Nicholas and his family forever.